Leadership That Makes an Impact

In the very beginning God led Adam by absolutes. “You may eat this, not that.” When Adam followed God ( The Father) he was given total dominion and favor over the entire planet. God was King of Heaven, Adam was in essence King of earth. So then God was King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

Adam was commissioned to lead and have dominion through this God given position of leadership. Since it was God who gave authority and assignment to Adam, it was critical that Adam prioritize every decision he made on the Will of God being accomplished first, before his desires or even his wife’s.

This is where Adam as well as modern men make a critical mistake.

(You can probably guess where I’m headed?)

God the father said, “don’t eat the fruit of the tree o the knowledge of good and evil. For if you do you will surely die.”

After being deceived (opposite of the word con-ceived, meaning death) Eve said to Adam, “it’s pretty, it tastes good, it’s good for us, have some.” Adam was at a crossroads. Here stood Eve. God made her and gave her to him to protect and provide and LEAD. Adam wanted to please God by pleasing Eve. But if he were to please Eve by listening to her desires, he would be simultaneously disobeying God!

Adam made the wrong choice. We are still suffering for it today. Everything from sickness to murder, birth defects, catastrophes, all came from that one bite.

“And to the man he said, “Since you listened to your wife and ate from the tree whose fruit I commanded you not to eat, the ground is cursed because of you. All your life you will struggle to scratch a living from it.

Genesis‬ ‭3‬:‭17‬-‭18 NLT‬‬

That’s right, before sin, there were no thorns or thistles, sickness, death, only pleasures crafted by God to please us.

Adam in a moment of weakness or ignorance or both, made a very wrong decision.

The problem however is that we men, continue to struggle here with our wives and children. With employees, friends, anyone we love and or lead.

Here is the wisdom we should operate under if we are to recapture a better atmosphere “on earth as it is in heaven,” Seek FIRST the Kingdom of God and He will give you everything you need! Matt 6:33

Men must lead by the Word/Will of Heaven if we are to reverse the curse. Never ever choose the desire of those you are to be leading, over the will of God. You are responsible for this order.

Yes, they might be upset for a bit, that’s life. Doesn’t change Gods Word. Sit them down, explain Gods Word and how you’ve all chosen to live in the blessings. Then BE A MAN! Do the right thing. Daily.

Your world and ours will begin to change for the better. I guarantee it!


P.S. Manhood U starts September 23, click here to learn more!


The Fear Factor