The Warrior Spirit


My good friend General Jerry Boykin, once told me a story about himself as a young man. I wanted to share this with you especially since Father's Day is this Sunday. I thought it spoke to us about the warrior spirit birthed in every man.

LTG (Ret) William G. "Jerry" Boykin was one of the original members of the US Army's Delta Force. He was privileged to ultimately command these elite warriors in combat operations. In his thirty-six years in the army, LTG Boykin also served a tour with the CIA. He has participated in clandestine operations around the world and served his last four years in the Army as the Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence. Since June of 2012, Jerry has been serving as the Executive Vice President of the Washington DC based Family Research Council.

Here is the story he shared with me:

“Males come out of the womb with warrior instincts, but culture today shames them for wanting to play that role. A warrior is not a thug but a male with a transcendent cause that compels him to do what is right, even when society goes the other way. The warrior is instinctively a protector. At 6 years old I was at my uncle’s farm and he raised bees in a walk-in beehive. One day I heard a scream and ran to the beehive to see what was happening. A three-year-old female cousin had wandered in and was being stung. With no forethought, I ran inside and grabbed her hand and pulled her out. There was no deliberate contemplation of what to do. It was the God-given warrior instinct. My stings were not felt because I had a cause at that moment that was bigger than me alone. Now, society tries to breed that out of men. Recognize what God created us to be and society benefits.”

Men, you are created in the likeness and image of God. That means you are like him and you like what he likes. "The Lord is a warrior; Yahweh is his name!" – Exodus 15:3 (NLT)


This statement pretty much sums it up. Your revelation of real manhood has a purpose and that purpose is to be a protector of people. You do this in many ways. We need to speak up about what Gods Word, His Truth says about all the issues from healing to violence and political corruptness. The world needs real men, real fathers now like at no other time in the past. You were made for such a time as this.

I hope you will get a copy of Alpha Male today and read it. Then put its principles into actions. General Boykin wrote the foreword.

Happy Fathers Day!



Force Multiplier


Stand for Something or You Will Fall For Anything